June 1, 2013 violation for free expression.

The State of New Mexico is trying to stop Taos Food Not Bombs. Our local organic grocery store Cids told us this morning that they would no longer donate their discarded food to Food Not Bombs. After learning that we would no longer get donations of discarded food we arrived at the Taos Plaza to share our food and literature as we have done every Saturday for seven years two people from the New Mexico Environmental Department issued us a violation. As you can see they had to cross out the word Selling and write SERVING above it since anyone sharing food for free like Food Not Bombs is not required to request a permit. As everyone knows the U.S. Constitution protects the right to free expression and requesting permission from the government is not required. New Mexico is America's Hungriest State and is facing its worst drought ever.

As you also may know our food is always vegan and no one has ever been made ill eating with Food Not Bombs in any of the over 1,000 communities where we share meals. This includes our Taos, New Mexico location.

Food Safety Certificate from the State of New Mexico

Food Not Bombs
P.O. Box 424, Arroyo Seco, NM 87514 USA

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